the List
warm up your love language:
6 sentiments to share with those you love (yourself included!) Our everyday language can have just as much, if not more impact on us as the tender words we might share in a greeting card. Try working one or more of these 6 sentiments into your dialogues to remind yourself and your loved ones how much you truly care. |
-My old studio!
Having trouble letting items go? As tidying expert, Marie Kondo advises, "pick up each object one at a time, and ask yourself quietly, 'Does this spark joy?'" (KonMari Media, Inc., 2022). An honest and heartfelt inventory of your possessions can help you more easily identify surpluses to purge. In giving your most treasured pieces room to breathe, you allow yourself to see, access, and appreciate what you have.
**Bonus point: this is the perfect time of year for donating and giving!,, and are great places to start or you can Google "donation bins near me".
**Bonus point: this is the perfect time of year for donating and giving!,, and are great places to start or you can Google "donation bins near me".
2. Waste not
How much of your hard-earned money ends up getting wasted? Of course, directly over-spending is a major culprit in bringing about this common phenomenon. However, one's passive usage patterns can be just as much to blame for a slow (or rapid!) leak in funds.
Consider these examples of wasteful habits that can quickly become usage vampires and drain your reserves:
- regularly having to discard expired perishables from your fridge
- leaving unnecessary lights and appliances running in a vacant room
- ignoring brand new forgotten items in your closet that still have their tags attached
If these scenarios are achingly familiar, you've been falling into the passive waste cycle. The next time you notice yourself engaging in these types of actions, take a moment to think realistically about your current needs.
- If you're the food waster, question if you really needed all the food you've been discarding, or could the excess have been shared, frozen for later, or left on the grocery shelf in the first place? Jot this question down on your grocery list to remind you to buy with more specific intention next time.
-If energy usage is your vice, take a closer look at the rates and usage trends on your utility bills. Excessive use might be convenient, but what impact is it making on your invoices (and the environment)? Check out this helpful article on home energy waste for useful tips on avoiding wasteful practices (Home Efficiency Guide, 2022).
- New unused purchases with tags still on? Return or sell to recoup some cash; gift or donate to brighten someone else's day!
Stop the passive waste cycle and watch for the positive changes in your bank accounts!
Consider these examples of wasteful habits that can quickly become usage vampires and drain your reserves:
- regularly having to discard expired perishables from your fridge
- leaving unnecessary lights and appliances running in a vacant room
- ignoring brand new forgotten items in your closet that still have their tags attached
If these scenarios are achingly familiar, you've been falling into the passive waste cycle. The next time you notice yourself engaging in these types of actions, take a moment to think realistically about your current needs.
- If you're the food waster, question if you really needed all the food you've been discarding, or could the excess have been shared, frozen for later, or left on the grocery shelf in the first place? Jot this question down on your grocery list to remind you to buy with more specific intention next time.
-If energy usage is your vice, take a closer look at the rates and usage trends on your utility bills. Excessive use might be convenient, but what impact is it making on your invoices (and the environment)? Check out this helpful article on home energy waste for useful tips on avoiding wasteful practices (Home Efficiency Guide, 2022).
- New unused purchases with tags still on? Return or sell to recoup some cash; gift or donate to brighten someone else's day!
Stop the passive waste cycle and watch for the positive changes in your bank accounts!
The Apple, ef grace
3. Revamp your health routinesYou know that moment. You envision eating yet another routine salad or repeating that punishing workout, and eventually just say..."nah". It can be a slippery slope from there, enabling you to backslide from all your hard-won health habits and benefits. You might find yourself turning to quick fatty snacks out of convenience, boredom, or lack of healthy alternatives. "i'll work out tomorrow" might become your daily mantra. Positive health behaviors can be hard to initiate in the first place, let alone re-establish after a hiatus.
Before you throw in the towel, try breathing fresh life into your health routines:
- Shake up your grocery list with new ingredients and recipes to keep your food choices from going stale. Go ahead-- invite new textures and colors to your pallet to keep you coming back for more healthy alternatives. Here's once of my favorites: toss high fiber granola, chia seeds, and fresh or dried fruit into that bowl of bland oatmeal to kick it up a notch!
- Throw a few new activities into your workout, upgrade to more comfortable or efficient gear, or sample online fitness videos. Finding a fun new fitness goody can go miles toward keeping you interested, motivated, and moving.
(A few of my favorite YouTube fitness finds are Body Project [low impact and so much fun], Grow With Jo [a delightful soul who empowers women], and Donovan Green Fitness [no nonsense chair workouts]. They all have great attitudes, great results, and are accessible to those with varying levels of ability.)
Infusing your habits with new choices and alternatives can give your motivation just the boost it needs!
**Be sure to consult your doctor on which food and exercise options are best for you and have fun experimenting with your available possibilities!
- Shake up your grocery list with new ingredients and recipes to keep your food choices from going stale. Go ahead-- invite new textures and colors to your pallet to keep you coming back for more healthy alternatives. Here's once of my favorites: toss high fiber granola, chia seeds, and fresh or dried fruit into that bowl of bland oatmeal to kick it up a notch!
- Throw a few new activities into your workout, upgrade to more comfortable or efficient gear, or sample online fitness videos. Finding a fun new fitness goody can go miles toward keeping you interested, motivated, and moving.
(A few of my favorite YouTube fitness finds are Body Project [low impact and so much fun], Grow With Jo [a delightful soul who empowers women], and Donovan Green Fitness [no nonsense chair workouts]. They all have great attitudes, great results, and are accessible to those with varying levels of ability.)
Infusing your habits with new choices and alternatives can give your motivation just the boost it needs!
**Be sure to consult your doctor on which food and exercise options are best for you and have fun experimenting with your available possibilities!
4. Revisit Your ImaginationLife is neither static nor one-size-fits-all. It is fluid and ever-changing, so it's important to regularly recalibrate aspects of your life to meet your needs. Check in with yourself once in a while for inspiration and to review your stances on matters. What once fit may no longer, and what you were so sure of yesterday, may not actually (or no longer) be the case.
While some principles are timeless and non-negotiable, old attitudes and rigid thinking may now serve to limit instead of ground you. As my dear friend reminded me just the other day, "sometimes you gotta' think outside the box." Considering fresh perspectives you may have once dismissed can open up new pathways and opportunities or lead to amazingly creative solutions. |
Inner Circle, ef grace
Think of who or what supports you and how you can give back to keep them going as well. For instance you might:
- treat your loved ones and friends who have given of themselves for you
- contribute to the associations, organizations, and groups that have built you up
- donate to your schools', churches', and first responders' fund-raisers
- or pay it forward some other way!
How can you send a meaningful "thank you" or acknowledgement to those who have supported you along the way? Caring for those who care for you can be a self-renewing gift.
- treat your loved ones and friends who have given of themselves for you
- contribute to the associations, organizations, and groups that have built you up
- donate to your schools', churches', and first responders' fund-raisers
- or pay it forward some other way!
How can you send a meaningful "thank you" or acknowledgement to those who have supported you along the way? Caring for those who care for you can be a self-renewing gift.
6. Leverage your skills & experience
What can you do? I'll bet it is more that what you do for a living. Maybe you are a doctor who's also an avid cyclist. Perhaps you work in an office but your heart is in the arts. Maybe you're a brilliant tradesperson but also have great experience in sales. You might decide to merge these divergent talents into one multi-faceted career, or reserve one as a hobby only.
These combinations can yield underlying benefits both personally and professionally. For instance, because you are a skilled conductor, you may find it easier than most to establish a workflow for your marketing team. Because you analyze business systems, you may also be a whiz at diagnosing car trouble. As a store owner, you might be unparalleled at maximizing your household efficiency.
Whatever you decide, make time to continue enhancing and developing your talents. Inevitably, the traits of one forte influence the other, contributing to your unique style, work ethic, and skillset.
These combinations can yield underlying benefits both personally and professionally. For instance, because you are a skilled conductor, you may find it easier than most to establish a workflow for your marketing team. Because you analyze business systems, you may also be a whiz at diagnosing car trouble. As a store owner, you might be unparalleled at maximizing your household efficiency.
Whatever you decide, make time to continue enhancing and developing your talents. Inevitably, the traits of one forte influence the other, contributing to your unique style, work ethic, and skillset.
7. Control your data
Every day, new swarms of data are being created, transferred, stored, and exchanged. It makes sense-- it's the Age of Information. But is this constant parade of data costing you your privacy, attention, or even your cold hard cash?
Physical data is worth organizing into categories that you can easily sort, track, and purge so you can stay on top of your information. Take a lovely little field trip to Staples for office and organizational inspiration--bet you'll find something you love! If you love home décor as well, The Home Edit gals have amazing solutions for beautiful and efficient storage! Investing in a good shredder or shredding service is also crucial to secure your discarded hard copy data, like forms, receipts, and mail.
Also take a moment to consider all the moving pieces that are generated by our daily device use. Carefully review the security settings and privacy policies of your regularly used apps to keep a tighter lid on your online information. Be vigilant about closing browser windows, emptying trash folders, and clearing caches to keep your data private, especially when using shared or public machines. Incessant dings and chimes driving you mad? Try adjusting your apps' notification settings, shutting off overgenerous permissions, or simply turning your phone off or down.
Now take a deep breath and reclaim some space, privacy, and peace of mind.
Physical data is worth organizing into categories that you can easily sort, track, and purge so you can stay on top of your information. Take a lovely little field trip to Staples for office and organizational inspiration--bet you'll find something you love! If you love home décor as well, The Home Edit gals have amazing solutions for beautiful and efficient storage! Investing in a good shredder or shredding service is also crucial to secure your discarded hard copy data, like forms, receipts, and mail.
Also take a moment to consider all the moving pieces that are generated by our daily device use. Carefully review the security settings and privacy policies of your regularly used apps to keep a tighter lid on your online information. Be vigilant about closing browser windows, emptying trash folders, and clearing caches to keep your data private, especially when using shared or public machines. Incessant dings and chimes driving you mad? Try adjusting your apps' notification settings, shutting off overgenerous permissions, or simply turning your phone off or down.
Now take a deep breath and reclaim some space, privacy, and peace of mind.
I hope you've enjoyed this season's List and are motivated to take some positive steps in your life!
I invite you to share your thoughts with me on social @efgracearts.
In the meantime, grab a cup of coffee, take a nibble on these ideas, and start planning for them to gradually manifest throughout your year! Good luck!
I invite you to share your thoughts with me on social @efgracearts.
In the meantime, grab a cup of coffee, take a nibble on these ideas, and start planning for them to gradually manifest throughout your year! Good luck!
Home Efficiency Guide. (2022). How is energy wasted at home? Retrieved from
KonMarie Media Inc. (2022). 6 Rules of Tidying: Rule 6: Ask yourself if it sparks joy. Retrieved from
Body Project
Grow With Jo
Donovan Green Fitness
The Home Edit
KonMarie Media Inc. (2022). 6 Rules of Tidying: Rule 6: Ask yourself if it sparks joy. Retrieved from
Body Project
Grow With Jo
Donovan Green Fitness
The Home Edit
[email protected] | | @efgracearts
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visual arts * design * illustration * writing * multimedia * custom services
c. ef grace 2022.