Hello viewers, I hope you'll enjoy this season's Photo Journey, Ombre: Embracing Transition.
My Photo Journey series is designed to remind us to pause and appreciate even the simplest moments of our amazing existence.
Time can be so fleeting, that before we've even realized it's happening, things can (or must) change. Nevertheless, we must accept that change is part of the natural progression of life. As you make peace with the end of this year, remember that with each cycle comes a time of harvesting what we have gained and a time of letting go. It is doing so that we make way for new growth and possibilities.
Autumn is the perfect display of this phenomenon-- a time of graceful adjustment and transition displayed in a vibrant spectrum of brilliant color. From late summer greens to fall's deep cinnamon reds, and all the honey gold hues in between, we are surrounded by this season's vivid transitional ombre. It serves as a beautiful reminder that though things may change, Life does goes on... See you next cycle!
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visual arts * design * illustration * writing * multimedia * custom services
c. ef grace 2022.